I’ve been holding out on Bolt Action for some time. Largely due to a huge Flames of War collection. Why collect another WWII game with a whole repetition of stuff in a different scale?

However, as time marches on I have more and more of my friends ask me if I play. This week, I decided to take a closer look. Big mistake. yesterday I picked up this…


Well, not really a mistake. It was well considered. I regret nothing! I have always wanted to add Waffen SS to my FoW collection, but a few things have been holding me back 1) Camo on 15mm models… so many models… 2) I kind of have a lot of Flames of War. So why Bolt Action?

First & foremost the look of the German army in WWII has always been my primary draw card when picking a force. Prior to WWII their uniforms were known to be the best looking in the world. There’s just something about their AFVs and the entire army that draws me in.In a wargame, especially a historical one like Flames of War or Bolt Action, someone has to play the bad guy… generally that seems to be me.

As mentioned, I have always wanted to paint some plane tree or oak leaf camo. I dabbled a little with my Necromunda Delaque (if you look closely you will see they all have camo pants.) but never a full army. However, having painted a couple of armies with Camouflage uniforms for Flames of War (FJ’s and British Para’s) I know how much work is involved. However, at 28mm scale and a skirmish level… well maybe that a perfect amount of models.

I know what your thinking. What happened to no new models, no new systems? Yep… 56 days that “resolution” lasted. Fortunately I resolved never to make “New Year” resolutions 20 years ago. So, this was more of a best efforts kind of thing. New goal is to not buy any more Bolt Action until these are painted. There’s about 500 points in that box so plenty to get me by for now. Except I really really love the StuG… and a Puma would look cool.

Oh, and I know the eagle has landed is a better reference to FJ’s, but I have a huge FJ’s force for Flames of War.